Ein paar Bonmots von Christian Lander

Der in Toronto geborene Schriftsteller Christian Lander hat 2008 ein Buch mit dem Titel Stuff White People Like: A Definitive Guide to the Unique Taste of Millions veröffentlicht. Darin spießt er in kurzen, scharfsinnig und gewitzt formulierten Kapiteln Erscheinungen unserer Zeit auf (zu den „white people“ gehört er natürlich selbst).

Nur ein paar Auszüge, hier zum Thema „Religions their parents don’t belong to“:

White people will often say they are “spiritual” but not religious. This usually means that they will believe in any religion that doesn’t involve Jesus. For the most part, white people prefer religions that produce artifacts and furniture that fit into their home or wardrobe.

Oder zur vegetarischen oder veganen Lebensweise:

Being vegan/vegetarian enables them to feel as though they are helping the environment and it gives them a sweet way to feel superior to others.

Oder zur ethnischen Vielfalt:

White people love ethnic diversity, but only as it relates to restaurants.

Many white people from cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York will spend hours talking about how great it is that they can get sushi and tacos on the same street. But they will also send their kids to private schools with other rich white kids.

Und zu hochbegabten („gifted“) Kindern:

White people love “gifted” children. Do you know why? Because an astounding 100 percent of their kids are gifted! Isn’t that amazing? I’m pretty sure the last nongifted white child was born in 1962 in Reseda, California.

PS:  Wörter wie „Spiritualität“ oder „Achtsamkeit“ hätte man übrigens schon lange zum Unwort des Jahres wählen sollen.

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